Wine and Dine (and Whine) Half Marathon part 2

     We were in the last corral. Although we had run a half marathon in February at Disney, Disney does not automatically keep track of those results. That would have been nice if they did, because we were in the last corral. Our fault, I get it, but still.  Crammed into the last corral, it took almost forty five minutes until we ultimately started.  The real challenge for most of the race was not the run itself but the people on the course.  Many of these people had already stopped running less than a mile into the race.  This left us running on the edges of the road off the main track or risking major collisions trying to weave in and out of the plodding "runners."
     Still we stuck together.  The course was still fun despite them cutting out the Animal Kingdom portion.  Hollywood Studios was especially fun because we first approached it from the backside of the Tower of Terror and then got to run through the Osbourne Christmas Light Show.  However as we ran through Hollywood Studios I feared the path they might send us down.

  As we exited out through the front of the park my fears proved true.  They were sending us down along the river by Boardwalk Resort to get us to Epcot. Now if you are familiar with Disney World and the surrounding area you may know what I am referring to. If not, this particular path is very narrow and runs over under a bridge with a river on one side and grass and shrubbery on the other (see picture below and imagine at least 6 runners across running down this path with a sea of people deep).  It is the equivalent of a four lane highway being reduced to a two lane highway.  A major traffic jam awaited us and we had to run up on the hills off the path.  There just wasn't anyway to run on the path.
     However, we made it through and curled around the Boardwalk. Finally we made it into Epcot and quickly found ourselves at the finish line. Months of training for what amounted to little more than extended training run...very disappointing. Still a reasonable fun run, though tremendously frustrating. The medal we received a the end seemed false and didn't have the same luster as other medals we have gotten but we stuck together and finished together.
     Then the frustration continued. We had stuck together through the lightening threat, the race and practically tripping over people while running but now they compelled us to split up so men and women could change if they wanted to.  We didn't want to change clothes (it was 1:30am and all we wanted to do was enjoy ourselves for a short time at Epcot before heading home).  We absolutely did not want to split up at this point...after 7 hours  and about 10% left on our phones in battery life. We did and we almost lose each about a stressful night!  We managed to find each other again throughout the masses of people but not easy and needless Katie's closterphobia (anyone that didn't have it before might have it after our night) was kicked into high gear that night and we both needed a nice cold beverage.
     We were given a "complimentary beverage" (say this only because the cost of this run was so high in the first place) and had grabbed our gear. However, we had to once again go through security in order to get into the park.  More lines as everybody who had a bag had to now wait again. Why they didn't let us pick up our things in the park is beyond me? The gear check bags were transparent and it was not as if we could have smuggled in contraband. Regardless, not knowing if we could bring our drink into the parks we quickly downed them and noted on our way through the bag check that people had left their drinks behind.  This indicated to us that at least in some cases people had to dispose of their drink before entering the park.  Disney gives you a drink and then quickly makes you get rid of it.
     We entered the after party. We thought this would be a really cool part.  Epcot, late at night after a long run.  The park ours to explore. We were horribly mistaken.  The park was packed. People had family members who were not running meet them in the park (they paid extra for this privilege).  I understand why this is a nice thing, but with all the runners and a lot of their family members, the park was too full. The park was crowded and only the food and wine locations were really open. These are the locations that are specially set up for the festival.  They are nice, but there are not enough to feed 30,000  people (all the runners plus family and friends). The lines stretched on forever for people to pay $4 for what amounted to an appetizer size serving of food. We had not seen lines this long since the opening night of the Food and Wine Festival back in September. The food is good but not a half hour wait good for each little bite. Oddly enough they had a mixed bar stand set up, but they only took cash. Why? Some issue with registers, who knows. But we had some cash and got some drinks.

     Some of the regular food areas were open so we were also able to get a beer (after a fifteen minute wait) and we sat in Morocco and ate our after run boxes.  Not too bad. After the food we called it a night and headed home.
     Aftermath:  We called and complained to Disney about what happened. They took a week and finally got back to us. They told us they could cancel the run, or part of the run for any reason and they did not have to refund us money. In this case it was the threat of lightening. I understand. And I understand that they can cancel. But just because they can doesn't mean they should without compensating us.  They apologized and gave me back some money. Not for the run cancellation, but because they handled the lightening evacuation so poorly. Whatever makes them happy. In the end not the run the we expected, but still a night to remember.  

Conclusion...What we should have done with our $165/person. We should have gone overnight to a local beach here in Florida and stayed at a FABULOUS hotel for the same exact money! NO stress, nice long run on the beach, dinner and drinks = SAME COST! Next time that is what we will be doing.


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